Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Allah the Almighty

     Allah (Exalted) is one, alone and only. He is the creator, sustainer and cherisher of all worlds. He is eternal, infinite and indivisible. He is supreme, sovereign and absolute. He is Almighty, All knowing, All just Just, All wise and All powerful. He is the holy one, the source of peace and perfection, the preserver of safety, the irresistible, the patron and guide. The king the ruler and the Lord. He neither begets nor is he begotten. He has no partner, no helper and no assistant. To believe in the oneness of Allah is called Tawhid. This belief enables the believer to surrender himself completely to the will of Allah and becomes His true servant and makes him humble, modest, dutiful and upright.

Islam: What is Islam?

     Many of us non-Muslim brothers/ sisters and also, believe it or not, our Muslim brothers and sisters  have this misunderstanding that Islam is a religion. Islam is a complete way of life. Islam teaches us the purpose, objective, and motive of our life. It shows us how to lead our private, public, social, political, economic, national and international life. 

     The word "Islam" means surrender and submission. A person who submits to Allah and leads his life according to His (Allah) orders and commandments in the way shown by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is a Muslim.

Islam Consists of Five Pillars:
  1. Shahaadah
  2. Salaat
  3. Zakaat
  4. Hajj
  5. Saum

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    All Praises be to Allah, the lord and master of the universe.

          Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you). He who has taught with the pen, that which mankind knew not. And peace and salutation be upon the noble messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and his family, his companions and upon all who follow his guidance until the day of judgement.

         Assalam' ualaikum Warah' matullahi' wabarakatuh. Starting off I would like to say all information given here are provided by a big resource of Islamic Libraries, my own knowledge, and main source by  Essentials of Islam Written by Moulana Muhibbur Rahman.

          Professor Moulana Muhibbur Rahman is one of the top ranking distinguished Islamic Scholar of North America who has many other publications in other languages. For more information about this book and Professor Rahman please contact me and I will be glad to provide any necessary information.

         This is a great book that inspires new Muslims and Basic teachings of Islam through standard and easy written English. If you are interested in a copy of this book you may also contact me. Thank you and Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you).